
Student Corner

Book Review “The New Kid”

Written by: Snighda Chaudhary - 30047, Grade IV

Posted on: 19 November, 2021

Name of the book: The New Kid
Author: Kanika G
This month we read the book called “The New Kid”. This is a short story about the kids who bully and tease a kid , because he is weirder.
Neha had just returned from a long vacation. Her friends gave her a warm welcome. In the time she was gone, a new family had moved into the housing society and her friends had issues with the new kid. Neha wanted to be friendly with him. She started to talk with the new kid. The new child had physical and speech problems, but he was good at playing music. He taught Neha to play music. Later, at the end of the story, all the friends of Neha apologized for their mistake and became friends with a new kid.
The story tells us that we should not judge a book by its cover. For example: At the beginning of the story Priya and her other friends ignored and made fun of the new kid. Later they came to know about his talent and felt sorry for their behavior. Moreover, Justice wins in the end and kids choose the right side to be a good person.
I recommended this book because it teaches us to be friendly with everyone.