
Student Corner

“Life; Far from home”

Written by: Roshan Prasain - 23070, Grade XI

Posted on: 18 November, 2021

Kathmandu is very far away from Jhapa. It wasn't easy for me to make the trip back home. I missed home so much that I wanted to get back home every single week. The day I left for college was my very first time away from home, and it took a lot of adjusting to a new environment . My mom wasn’t right by my side anymore and I need to become more independent on doing things on my own. Adjusting to a new city, community, and school was a challenge because I was used to being in my own city, with my old friends, at my old school. I often got homesick and wanted to go home but soon I was adjusted. When I started going to college I didn't realize that it would take so much time to adjust. I used to have my own room at home. I was happier but when I went to college I had to share a room with a total stranger at the hostel.

At that certain moment, I realize that my mom has spoiled me by doing laundry for me up to now, but I am now independent from having to do it on my own. Moving to Kathmandu was a major challenge in my life because I didn't have any family or friends here; they were all in Jhapa. I often used to get homesick because I missed my friend since I was in college. I started to get used to being in another city, and away from my family. Actually, I got acquainted with new friends in Kathmandu. It took a while to get adjusted to my new college life, and being away from home. I have made new friends and enjoyed my freedom, as now I have become independent but on the other hand I miss my mom so much that I wanted to go home every weekend.

This experience has changed me for the better as I have become more independent and don't really need my mom for everything on a daily basis. I even started sharing my experiences with my mom about how I have grown up to a different level than before. Like me, for many people, there comes a time in life when you have to love certain people from a distance . Whether it be for days, months or years it’s that physical distance that keeps you from seeing one another. It’s really the tough moments, then I keep reminding myself that it’s life