
Student Corner

Single Change

Written by: Samyam Shrestha - 22012, Grade XII

Posted on: 18 November, 2021

A story of a person who fought for the good of the people. A story of a person that we refer to as a hero of the nation. It's all a fairytale that a person hears. Our childhood goes by hearing all kinds of stories. But can someone really become a hero?

A person who was born in the world of sorcery and adventure. A world where aristocratic sorcerers rule the country. Lower aims to aggrandize themselves yet the superior suppresses them. But the lower classes are not cognizant of the boundaries that they are not supposed to cross. These families are rather murdered or assassinated from the fear that they will attain more wealth. A king is a demagogue that manipulates the whole nation yet only values the noble families under his command.

A young girl under slavery who earned nothing and just kept on working for 24 hours didn’t have any choice but to run away from the place. Nowhere to sleep, nowhere to go, no-one to trust. A commoner is meant to be bought by the noble. Every year thousands of slaves are bought without any concern, and some are forcefully sold in auctions. Some nobles have tyrannical and licentious behaviors. Whereas some are gallant that they even provide financial support to families of the commoners. But wherever you go, people's views are filled with pejorative. 
The runaway girls started visualizing that there was no hope left for her. If her owner finds her then she is dead. But she was a pertinacious person. A person who wished to do everything to keep her family in good condition. Now, she can’t even think about them.

“What will happen to them, will they be killed, will they be subjected to some crime and hanged.”

A nation that has nothing but hell living within it. The negative thoughts broke the mental state of the person. A certain change in the state of a person can change the whole person. An innocent person can become a homicide. There won’t be a state of return. Everything lies within the people's mind who and how they are composed to be. A fragile mind of a girl could not handle the things happening in her life.  The things happening to her plunged her into abject misery.

“The story is about a hero who formed the kingdom” The story everyone hears is about a person who formed a kingdom and made it a living heaven. “Living heaven” are some words that can make people in a state of vexation. An innocent girl couldn’t live her life properly, couldn’t rely on anyone, who had to face everything alone had turned about to be a serial killer. A person who tried to be at her best, yet a saddening moment in life that she went through a mental breakdown and couldn’t recover herself.

She became a renowned killer who is said to have killed almost 30 nobles and the owners of the slaves. She is stated to be a killer who kills people for fun. But in view of the slaves and commoners she is stated to be a hero, a light of guidance who is there to help them.

A single choice can change a person, a single change can affect a person and a single breakdown can kill a person from inside out. “Be a person who can judge rather than a person who falls for desire.”