
Student Corner

Does smoking help you in making friends?

Written by: Yunil Ghimire - 24008, Grade X

Posted on: 17 November, 2021

Smoking is one of the most common things I have ever seen in the whole world. Every person knows about the harm it causes to the human body even though they consume it daily because they have already got addicted to it. When I used to be young I used to see my dad with his friend smoking and joking around having fun. I even asked them that why do you guys smoke and they all said that smoking is cool and from that day I always used to think that smoking used to make us look cool which leads us to making many friends but I was completely wrong until I found out in Grade 1 or 2 about what smoking does to our body and how it affects our future life too. How it makes your body weak and unhealthy too.  

Now let's get into the topic: does smoking help you in making friends? As for me when I was child I just said,  because of my dad's friends I used to think smoking would help you to look cool and help you to make more friends but now I understand it isn’t like that they were completely wrong. Smoking makes people look more bad. It is a bad habit which leads you to various diseases which will eventually kill you if you smoke more and more. Also smoking is a bad habit and people who are good will start to ignore you and will be scared of you because they think that you will make them smoke and make their own life horrible so everyone will start to avoid you and think you are a bad person. There are many people who smoke and make friends but in most of the group of friend every one only want to use another person money money to smoke and when you don’t have any money they will left you and again come to you saying we are friends when you have money and we don’t consider them as friends who will left you in hard times, they are only with you so they can use your money to smoke and use it for other things. Also if you are with friends and they smoke and do not force you to smoke or drink then they might be good friends who don’t want their friends to get into this habit but if those friends started to tell you to try to drink and smoke forcely then they aren’t your real friends because no one wants to make their friend life  horrible and harsh. This shows that smoking only makes your life harsh because everyone, your friends, relatives, neighbours and even your own family will start to hate you because you have started a bad habit which will impact your health, wealth and relationship with people. So, I think that smoking will only make your life bad and won’t help you make friends because everyone will start to ignore you because of this bad habit.