
Student Corner


Written by: Arjan Khadka - 29003, Grade V

Posted on: 17 November, 2021

There are eight planets in the solar system. Among them, one of the planets is earth. Earth is the only planet on which we can live. It is the third planet from the Sun. The Earth was formed around 4.5 billion years ago. Earth is our mother planet which gives habitat to tens of millions of species of plants and animals. Earth is the only planet that has an atmosphere and the planet supporting life in the entire solar system. Around 73% of the surface of the earth is covered with water. Earth is a sphere in shape and is greater than other planets like Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Earth presents us with air, water, food and shelter to live.

Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth that revolves around the Earth. The coldest region on this planet is Antarctica and the hottest area is Libya. There are many natural resources on the earth such as coal, water, and minerals. It is our responsibility to protect the earth and we should not waste natural resources.