
Student Corner

Science: Boon or Bane?

Written by: Anshu Niroula - 23009, Grade XI

Posted on: 16 November, 2021

Science is a blessing. Every invention of science has changed the world into a land of wonders and dreams. We are in the age of science and technology and have such an influence in our life that nothing can take place in our day to day work without the help of science. Our food, transport, learning and social life each and every one of them are linked with science in one way or the other.

Generally, science is said to be a systematic classification of experiences. The aim of science is to search for truth, to know things, discover the laws of existence and so on. Everything in science has scientific logics, reasons and opinions. Great discoveries and inventions are the result of reasoning and logic. In our life, science plays a great role as people can increase their lifespan through one of its creations that is medicine and diagnosis.  Similarly, we have better clothing, shelter and food for our livelihood through science. Also, radios, TVs and cinemas which entertain us are the products of science. Hence, we can conclude, science is a boon to mankind.

Similarly, there is also the other side of the coin. It is science, which gave birth to destructive weapons like dynamite, guns, riffles, rockets, atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, etc.As Albert Einstein said , “I don’t know who’s gonna win if third world war occurs, but I’m sure that the human civilization will go back to stone world after the war”. According to him, this saying has logic as the third world war would be so much destructive due to advanced nuclear weapons which will lead to great loss of life and properties. This will ultimately lead human civilization to the stone world. If this happens, will not science be a bane to humanity?

Leaving that apart, creation of science also leads to industrialization and environmental pollution. Humans are rational beings. So let us believe that we will be able to overcome all other circumstances and reveal more truths and laws of nature and eventually science will be only a boon and not a bane of life. Therefore, a common man can conclude science without conscience is the death of the soul.