
Student Corner

Starlight And Her Starry Story

Written by: Yureka Adhikari - 29049, Grade V

Posted on: 15 November, 2021

There was a girl named Starlight. She loved the idea of space, especially the stars. Ever since she was three, she would go outside and watch the stars until she fell asleep, and her parents would wake her up and take her to her starry room. When she started school, she shared her love for stars with her friends, but they called her weird for it. She eventually started acting like them but still had that same three-year-old self in her heart. As time went on, she became more stressed and anxious. The only thing that made her calm was sitting in the garden and watching the stars. One day, when she was in middle school, during the winter, she was doing her homework outside around 5 pm, and her parents had just left to get some groceries. Starlight opened her journal and started writing a poem. As she was writing a poem when she got lost in the world of stars and wrote a beautiful poem. When she came out of the world of heaven then, she realized that she was born to write a poem, and that’s what her true friends were telling her to do. Who were those closest friends? The STARS! The same friends that were with her entire life and would be with her no matter what, as their name was in her name. She started writing many poems and stories about the stars and space and eventually became one of the biggest writers. The same "friends" who had called her weird for liking stars now were praising her for it. This made her  realize her friends were not true and the only real true friends were STARS.