
Student Corner


Written by: Manisha Gurung - 22030, Grade XII

Posted on: 12 November, 2021

Social media is the platform that gives the chance to send and receive information. Social platforms are becoming quite popular these days. There are very small groups of people who are unaware of social media. Social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. seem like a big part of our life. They are the largest social media networks. Nowadays, there are lots of apps that we use daily for different purposes. It is true that social media plays an important role in our lives but it is also ruining social life in fact . Developers are creating new apps and the branch of social media is increasing day by day. All apps are made for different purposes but the question lies whether one is able to use them in the right way.
Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp are the world’s largest social media networks globally, which have billions of users. Social media is not bad in itself. Scientists have found that the chemicals in our brain are to blame for some of the social media’s addictive properties. When one receives a notification on their phone, the brain is flooded with the chemical dopamine, causing a feeling of happiness. The brain enjoys this rush of dopamine and causes one to check their phone repeatedly to re-create that rewarding feeling. It is cited that the researchers state that 72% of teens sleep with their phones nearby. 60% text while doing homework, and 72% feel pressure to respond to notifications immediately. As the research shows, overuse of social media is often linked with underlying issues like depression, sadness, chronic stress, anxiety, low self-esteem and uneasiness. In social media platforms, we can only see the virtual side of the person, in simple terms, we can only see the side they want to show us but many people try to portray themselves to others which they are not at all. Social networking makes life so convenient in every sector but it creates laziness.
Social media can damage your life within a second because it invades your privacy. Not only this, the darkest parts of social media are that some young people are easily influenced like they may feel the need to change their physical appearance and compare themselves to every next person they see in social media. One of the very common negative impacts of social media on children as some of the negative-minded individuals who use it for bullying someone can create big problems.
The oversharing happening on social media is not a good habit because that makes children a target for predators and hackers. The addiction hampers the academic performance of youth as they waste most of their time on social media instead of studying. People post fake news and share it on their timelines. And other people just share the fake news on social media without any verification which puts someone’s life in danger. So, think properly before you share anything on social platforms because if Fake news spreads on social media it poisons the mind of peace-loving citizens. If the use of social media is not monitored properly, it can lead to grave consequences. So, we must be aware of every step of a social network’s behaviors.
