
Student Corner

Online games and its impact

Written by: Tatsam Gautam - 23045, Grade XI

Posted on: 12 November, 2021

Within the interval of 4 years ( i.e 2015-2021) it's been a massive hit for online games. The production of online games has been increased specially battle royale games. Battle royale games had started in the early 2010 but it was like multiplayer action games and stuff like that. There are many online games like shooter games, strategy games, multiplayer battle arena games, etc. These games are not addictive as battle royale games but it is also played in excessive amounts. Before the rise of battle royale games people used to prefer video games or console gaming like PS, Xbox, Nintendo, etc. According to the stats, the consumption of online games in general is populated mostly by male and it represents as male domination in gaming culture. The worldwide revenue from online games is increasing day by day. From mission based games to sports related games players can link up and play together. 
Online games not only have a negative impact but it also has a positive impact. But these days teenage groups are more confined within these internet games. If we see in the past, children used to prefer physical activities or outdoor games, they don't like to sit alone in the house, but now the thing is actually the opposite. I don't mean to say that going with technology is bad, it’s pretty good as it helps in the development of children and in today’s world technology is very essential. But seeing the daily routine of children, they are totally dependent on technology and they can’t just do anything without technology. While playing games children are unconscious about what is happening around him or her. Once a player is addicted to online games then he can do anything in order to play games. Addiction to online games is like addiction to drugs. Just like a drug addict can do anything in order to get drugs, exactly the same thing happens to players to buy vouchers or in-game items. If a player doesn’t have money to buy vouchers or anything he/she wants then they start to steal money and it is so disrespectful in the society. We have heard a lot of news regarding a boy who killed his friend because he doesn't have those in-game items that his friend has. Furthermore, children addicted to gaming isolate themselves from social life by focusing on the gaming world. These things make such children rude, selfish and have unstable emotions. We have seen many health conditions to those players such as the vision decreases, bone problems in hand(fingers), neck problems while bending their head for straight 2-3 hours playing games, etc.

It has a positive impact on social development on children. Players have a good spirit such as, sharing or helping others, interactions, a positive attitude and so on. To create these conditions, there must be good attention of parents towards their children and they must control their children who are addicted to online games. The thinking capacity of players increases while playing games and the higher the stage or level of the game, the more difficult it is to solve which increases the sense of thinking and problems solving skills. By playing games many people are earning money and it can be taken as one of the most positive factors. People are streaming on you tube or any other streaming platforms and by uploading game related videos on you tube and earning money. In this pandemic, many people were unemployed and gaming helped them to earn money. Gaming can also  be taken as an employment opportunity but in order to earn money you must work hard and must have some good gaming skills in order to make good content. With the rise in production of games there has been a rise in e-sports in gaming. Many people are playing tournaments to earn a title and money in gaming. There are many tournaments played at the local level, national level and international level.

Lastly, the e-sports community has grown so much that a team can represent his/her country in the world through gaming which is a pride moment for the nation. If this is taken wisely and professionally, it can be benefitted more and helps in the development of teenage brain.