
Student Corner

What if an asteroid hit earth?

Written by: Nishan Shrestha - 25008, Grade IX

Posted on: 11 November, 2021

An asteroid is a rock-like body orbiting the sun. They are found in millions of numbers in space. They are also known as space rocks that can be of any shape or size. It can be big as a building or it can be small as a needle. It has no definite shape. Now, imagine an asteroid hitting the earth now. The asteroid is almost the size of a building or a car. What would happen? Would humans extinct like the dinosaurs million years ago? Would humans survive?
According to scientists if an asteroid almost the shape of a car hits the earth then that asteroid cannot cross the atmosphere. But, if an asteroid almost the size of a building hit the earth then we have to worry about it. Though an asteroid of that shape occurs in a million year, if it hits the earth then all the humans and animals would be extinct. The earth would turn into a hot planet like in the dinosaur period. The asteroid that hit the earth 66 million years ago was 4 miles wide. It was the reason for the  dinosaur extinction. If the asteroid hit the earth then in some millisecond all the humans in the earth could see it. In 0.5 second sonic waves would be produced. In a second the whole collision would be visible from the moon. In 2 seconds the asteroid impact with the ground would release more than 1 billion nuclear bombs. Due to immense energy from the impact a huge flash of light would be seen. Anything in a 1000 km of the impact would be vaporized including humans. Fire balls glowing in the impact zone would be clearly seen from the space. The impact could be felt in the whole earth. In 3 minutes time of impact mega tsunami tall enough to touch Burj Khalifa would form. Raining of rocks across the earth. After 10 min of impact it would start crushing the cities. The impact would cause a huge amount of dust to rise up in the atmosphere. Anyone who had seen the impact with naked eye would certainly be dead. After half an hour of impact earthquakes would start to occur. There would be huge cracks in the earth. Volcanoes would be active. The fire would rage across the earth. The clouds would be covered with dust and ash. Oxygen would decrease to its worst. After some weeks acid rain would start. There would be no sight of light, the whole earth would be covered with dust and ash. After some time, the earth 's climate will begin to change. All the animals would die. The humans who survived the collision would struggle to survive. The earth's temperature would certainly decrease at -degree Celsius. Starvation would start with the remaining humans. Humans would slowly die and become extinct like dinosaurs. After that new creators might emerge on earth. We humans might remain mysterious to new creatures like the dinosaur is to us.
But, according to NASA there is no asteroid that can destroy earth as seen till now but, who knows it can be seen in the future. It's hard to imagine an asteroid hitting the earth and we would die within a second. Humanity would not exist. Many dreams would be scattered. Humans would come to and end.