
Student Corner

Stop being a bully!

Written by: Krituka Sapkota - 25005, Grade IX

Posted on: 10 November, 2021

Bullying someone for fun and entertainment is more common between teenagers and young people. Most of the places we go people face bullies. The act of bullying is also known as “ragging”. The people who torture or bully others are called bullies. Bullying is of many types : Physical, Verbal, Psychological, Cyber, etc. Bullying can cause many problems to the victim mentally and physically. Bullying can take place in schools, colleges, the workplace and many other places. It can take place at home as well. People can be victims of bullying at any stage of their life. 

In schools, colleges, usually the seniors tend to bully the juniors to show their power and privileges of being a senior. Bullying is generally done by stronger people to weaker ones. It also happens in the workplace where new staff or employees are bullied. People who are victims of bullying can have anxiety, depression, feel lonely, and can even lead to the point of suicide. People lose their confidence after getting bullied. They start performing badly at their academics or their work. This causes the victim to develop insecurities and become less active. Physical bullying is the type of bullying when someone tortures a person physically or touches them without their consent. Verbal bullying is when someone teases a person based on their appearance or many other factors. Cyber bullying is when social media is used to insult , tease or hurt someone. They may also post someone's personal information in social media to insult or blackmail them. Bullying has become a growing problem worldwide which has affected many people and has led to large number of suicide cases. The victims of bullying should immediately report to the respective person or get help from somebody. Bullying is worse when the bullies are not punished for their behaviour. A help from someone can reduce the effects or result of bullying. If students are being bullied, they should report to their teachers or parents. The school should take necessary and proper action against the person and their activities. Many awareness programmes are held to educate people about bullying and its effects on the victims. Some people are bullied because of their age as well. Many young people bully the older people. People also get bullied in their home by family members or relatives. People can get bullied at their home emotionally, physically or verbally. The victims should be provided proper counselling to help them heal mentally and physically. The schools should monitor the behavior of the students to avoid cases of bullying. The children should be taught about equality from the beginning so that they won't be involved in such activities. 

No one deserves to be bullied. Everyone should be treated equally in their home, school, workplace or any place they go. No one should be judged on their appearance , race, where they come from, education , financial status, etc. In the end, everyone deserves to live and be treated equally by everyone. No one should go through the pain of getting bullied.