
Student Corner

Our Solar System

Written by: Bibechana Dangol - 30009, Grade IV

Posted on: 10 November, 2021

Our solar system is made up of sun, planets, moons, asteroids and comets. The Sun is the center of the solar system. The solar system consists of eight planets, Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun and Venus is the hottest planet. Jupiter is the biggest planet.
The planets revolve around the sun and the moons revolve around the planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are inner planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are outer planets. There are smaller objects also in the solar system called the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt lies between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.
There is life on Earth only. Mercury and Venus do not have a moon. Earth has one moon, Mars has two moons. Jupiter has 79 moons. Sun is the main source of heat and light. The sun holds the total solar system by its gravity.