
Student Corner

“Smile, the curve that makes everything straight.”

Written by: Suprabha Thami - 23043, Grade XI

Posted on: 29 October, 2021

Smile, nowadays, basically means a facial expression in which the eyes brighten and the corners of the mouth curve slightly upward. Smile may be considered as a curve formed by corners of the mouth, but it's more than just any of that. Smile can be rather described as the expression of relief, happiness, amusement or kind acts. A smile cannot be formed all the time but it comes to us like a frequent visiting guest that can be said as an enjoyable rather than annoying guest.

Smiling not only offers a mood boost but helps our bodies release cortisol and endorphins that provide numerous health benefits. Smiling helps in reducing our blood pressure, stress and pain. Not only that but smiling also helps in increasing our immune system. Smiling is more attractive than wearing make-up and this is not just a saying but it's true, don’t believe it, try it yourself. With that, smiling is also contagious. Don’t believe this too? Try giving a smile to a person with no smile. Smiling helps you extend your lifespan and increases positivity. 

Smiling may be natural and regular for some but for others it may not be as natural and regular. Smiling can help you feel at ease when you get it from someone at a new place or environment. It can give the person who performs it a certain air of confidence that not many facial expressions can. And an air of confidence can travel a long way, in this busy fast-paced world. Studies have found that smiling people are viewed as more attractive, due to the fact that they look healthier and therefore younger. And it may seem like a strange comparison but a grin can be associated with generosity too, which can be quite rare in these modern times. 

Whether you call it a grin, smirk or smile, there’s no denying the feel-good power of this happy facial expression. We are born with the ability to smile, yet as we age, we smile less often. Why do you think people smile less as they age? Well, as we age, our problems and our responsibilities also increase. But thinking about it again, if we concentrate on our problems it’ll just get deeper and bigger but if we concentrate on the opportunities and solving the problems you’ll definitely find a solution. And to do that you’ll definitely have to be positive. So, we only have one life, why waste it thinking about our 
problems and only making it bigger. Let's relax and smile to increase positivity to make our lives better and healthier.

Every little thing and everyone who makes you smile or tries to make you smile, don’t hesitate, just let your mouth form a smile, which makes you more attractive and approachable. Why don’t you start your day with a smile and say that it’s gonna be alright and move on and you will definitely start living a happy and positive life.