
Student Corner

Impact of Social Media

Written by: Muskan Singh - 24003, Grade X

Posted on: 29 October, 2021

Due to the user-friendly characteristics, social media is getting increasingly popular these days. People can connect with each other across distances via social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others. To put it in another way, social media has brought the entire world to our fingertips. The youth, in particular, are among the most active users of social media. All of this leads you to believe that anything so powerful and with such a broad reach can't possibly be all bad. The same way there are two sides to a coin, there are two sides to social networking. As a result, different people have varied perspectives on this contentious issue. So, in this Social Media essay, we'll look at the benefits and drawbacks.

When we consider the positive aspects of social media, we can see that there are numerous benefits. The most crucial being that it is an excellent educational tool. All of the information needed is only a mouse click away. Students can use social media to educate themselves on a variety of issues. Furthermore, thanks to social media, live lectures are now available. You can sit in Nepal and listen to a lecture taking place in America. As people become less reliant on newspapers, they increasingly rely on social media for news. It keeps you up to date on the newest news from across the world. A person's social awareness of global issues increases. It also deepens your relationships with your loved ones. Because of social media, distance is no longer a barrier. You can simply speak with your friends and relatives in other countries, for example. Most importantly, it provides a fantastic free forum for young aspiring artists to express their ability. You can also find fantastic job possibilities through social media.Another benefit is that corporations who want to market their brands will have an easier time doing so. Social media has evolved into a hub for advertising, providing you with several options to connect with customers. Despite its numerous positives, social media is widely regarded as one of society's most dangerous elements. If social media usage is not closely managed, it can have serious effects. It is damaging because it intrudes on your privacy in ways you have never experienced before. Children are becoming a target for pedophiles and hackers as a result of their oversharing on social media. It also leads to cyberbullying, which has a huge impact on everyone. As a result, social media sharing, particularly by minors, must be closely supervised at all times. The addition of social media, which is quite popular among the youth, comes next.

This addiction affects a student's academic performance since they spend their time on social media rather than studying. Social media can also cause communal schisms. It is used to promote fake news, poisoning the minds of peace-loving citizens. In conclusion, social media undoubtedly has both benefits and drawbacks. But, in the end, it's up to the user. Young people, in particular, must strike a balance between their academic achievements, physical activity, and social media use. Excessive usage of anything is bad, and social media is no exception. As a result, we must aim to live a fulfilling life that is well-balanced.