
Student Corner

Bermuda Triangle

Written by: Niharika Chapagain - 25006, Grade IX

Posted on: 22 October, 2021

The Bermuda Triangle is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean and there, many aircraft and ships are believed to have disappeared in the past in a mysterious way. Bermuda Triangle is considered to be the most mysterious part of the ocean, from where many have not returned according to the past research done. There are many stories and myths about the Bermuda Triangle, and most of the stories are far from reality to believe. The Bermuda Triangle is the name for the area in the Sargasso sea which can be outlined with a triangle, which is the reason for its name “Bermuda Triangle”. One corner of the Bermuda triangle is Miami, another is the Islands of Bermuda, and the third corner is San Juan Puerto Rico. Though people stretch the dangerous area into different directions, this is the general version of the area of the Bermuda Triangle. The area of the Bermuda Triangle is constantly traveled and various ships like cargo ships, cruise ships, etc travel across this area, while airplanes also constantly travel in the sky over the triangle. But, the bad reputation and the myths about the Bermuda Triangle never really faded. 

The mysterious disappearances, all started with Flight 19 on December 5, 1945 AD. Five American aircraft were on a training flight over the Bermuda triangle area, when they suddenly faced some fuel problems and aircraft malfunctions. Some crew members were sent to save the people on Flight 19, however, all of the 14 pilots of Flight 19 as well as the 13 crew members of the Mariner who came to save Flight 19, disappeared. Their sudden disappearance led to one of the largest air and sea searches in history, and many aircraft and ships were sent to the Atlantic Ocean for the search, however, no trace of bodies or aircraft was found. And this was how the legendary Bermuda Triangle was born. From that day, the Bermuda Triangle is considered a danger zone that covers 1.3 million square km and roughly five hundred thousand square miles and it is also known as The Devil’s Triangle. After this incident, the number of references to this anonymous place started to grow and people realized that sometimes really weird and strange incidents happened in that area in the past too. 

This mystery was also traced back to the time of Christopher Columbus. Some people claimed that the explorer Christopher Columbus, passing through this zone, noticed some incomprehensible object flying away into the sky. Columbus also had noticed that his compass behaved strangely in the area of the Bermuda Triangle. After the first incident of Flight 19, 1 cargo ship, and 3 aircraft along with all passengers and crew were lost in the Bermuda Triangle, during the period from 1945 to 1950. It is believed that the influence of the Bermuda Triangle extends to the land, because in 1969, two small lighthouses on a tiny island of Great Isaac Cay, completely disappeared. 

Neither the lighthouses nor the bodies of people were found. Though there are no witnesses to prove the supernatural power that is believed to exist in Bermuda Triangle, however, some strange incident happened on December 4, 1970, with Bruce Gernon, who fortunately came out to be alive, and shared his experience. He even wrote a book, mentioning how some dark, black clouds covered his airplane, and how he was teleported to Miami beach from Island Andros. After hearing this incident, scientists believe the teleporting thing to be related to dark energy. The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is still a mystery, but the belief that there is something fascinating, and strange in the Bermuda Triangle still exists.