
Student Corner

Artists, Journalists turned activists, arrested and detained, citizens scream “ It’s about freedom”.

Written by: Arpan Acharya - 23010, Grade XI

Posted on: 21 October, 2021

The Cuban protests have arisen after the disastrous crisis of the Cuban economy with shortage of food supply and human-aid. So what started to affect their economy? The pandemic of course but in addition there are two other major reasons for their depressing condition. First weak point that led towards this disaster is the less export and low earnings of foreign currency from the Tourism industry which has a direct connection with the pandemic. So as a result Cuban Foreign Currency Reserves have decreased immensely due to which they are unable to import foreign goods and aid. As we all know in the international market American Dollars are more powerful than the domestic ones. Likewise nobody wants Pesos [Cuban Currency] in the international market, consequence? Devaluation !. Next up is the American Trade Embargo which is basically a term referred to a trade ban with a particular country or a state.
Let's get back to the protests. The protests started from July 11, 2021 . These aggressive protests were against the ruling Communist Party of Cuba as they were unable to keep their promise of fulfilling basic rights of the citizens and cold hearted response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in the nation. So the voice of the nation, media engaged in the protest. They added great value and strengthened the protest. But the authorities were not in favor of tolerating them. So instead of looking for the solution of the problem, they chose to suppress the voice of the victims. Several artists who protested by singing a song opposing the government got prosecuted. Government turned violent and started to harass, detain and abuse the activists. The state securities’ main targets belonged to the “San Isidro Movement,” a coalition of singers, painters and other artists. 
Criticism leading to harassment and detaintion, authorities restricted social media and messaging apps. Matter of fact, it’s a modern day dictatorship. Citizens say “ it’s no more just about the economic crisis, it's about freedom.”