
Student Corner

How I celebrated Father's Day

Written by: Aadhya Shri Poudel - 30001, Grade IV

Posted on: 21 October, 2021

Everyone has their own way of celebrating Father's Day. Many people go out on this day to eat delicious food. Children give presents to their father, greet them, and give them cards and flowers. On this day, all the children honour their father and give thanks. Just as we celebrate Mother's Day by honouring Mother, so Father's Day is celebrated in honour of Father's love.
Yesterday was Father's day and it was a lot of fun. I wished father’s day to my dad and gave him a greeting card that I had made. After that, my mom and I went to the maternal house because my mom had to celebrate father’s day with her dad. My mother wished father’s day to my grandfather and gave him a gift. I did not take online classes yesterday because there was no internet access at my maternal house. So, I just utilized the day by editing some photos and playing with the dog. At  4:00 o’clock we went to the restaurant near my mother's house. We ordered a lot of delicious food and enjoyed it. In the evening I came back to my home. My father’s day was wonderful.