
Student Corner

Is the education system failing to teach us humanity?

Written by: Jiya Sapkota - 25003, Grade X

Posted on: 06 October, 2021

Education is the key to success. It makes our life worth living and it is something that helps us to get the job or the profession we want. Society is developing at its own pace. During the development we are learning essential things that we should learn and know about. Along with the development, the problems and the havoc have arisen. It feels like we have made ourselves uncomfortable due to the desperation and the need for development. Education has taught us almost everything but it has failed to teach us how someone should be. It has failed to teach us how people are facing problems. And in spite of development, the society is still the same, the same conservative and inhumane society. 

Although some kids do not show any seriousness towards education and studies, believe me or not; all of us have learnt at least something from our school. We study because we want good jobs and live a better life and earn money, but we aren't taught that being a good human will be enough. It isn't completely the fault of the education system but these things aren't well mentioned from the place or the main source from where we learn things. Since our childhood, we have been learning to give much attention to our physical health but our mental health has always been lacking. Yes, physical health is important. But mental health is as important as physical health. Education system has been making us remember all the preventive measures and symptoms of almost every physical illness but there is no mention of mental illness being as important as the physical illness. We have been seeing people being depressed and the other one mocking or making fun of them. It has made me sad about how people have forgotten that calling someone “moti” or “kali” as an insult is not something that is funny. It is one of the worst things to do. Body shaming is an important problem and it is a serious kind of problem. Some people face body dysmorphia and face dysmorphia which already makes one feel worthless and feel some kind of hate towards their body. Education system has failed to teach us how important mental or psychological illness is. Sexuality awareness is absolutely zero in our education system. The same conservative society has made us and our thoughts homophobic. People aren't accepting the thoughts and the changes that are occurring in society. People aren't accepting that someone can be identified as a part of lgbtqia+ community, they aren't accepting or digesting that people feel changes about themselves too. Kids are often found bullying each other in schools with lots of facilities and high fees. So no matter how good the school is, it has definitely failed to teach the kid the value of a human, to not hurt the emotions of someone. Our education system Teaches us gender equality and how only male and females should be equal, but it has failed to teach us how transgender people (people who do not identify as the same gender that they were born with) are humans too. How they should not be sexualised neither made fun of. Non-binary people(the people who do not identify as a male or  female/ someone who is outside of the gender binary) are humans too and they should be treated equally and not made fun of. The same school teaching about gender equality is teaching how guys should never be weak and never cry, the same school teaching about women empowerment is teaching about how women belong in the kitchen, isn't  it a big problem too? The same school teaching and awaring students about “rape” is teaching how the girls should cover up their body and not wear revealing clothes. Sometimes some schools give promotions to the social evils that already should've been decreased and eradicated. The school teaches about how untouchability and discrimination should be decresed and exact after sometime they go on telling how some people should not be allowed to entered into the kitchen or household according to castes and class. The same school teaching about everyone being equal, speaks against inter caste marriage. The education system also lacks when the awareness about specially abled people comes. Some schools fail to teach us on how making fun of specially abled people is disrespectful. The education system and some schools have made a mindset that every good and bright student should choose complex subjects like science as their major. Unless it is their interest, it is a good thing but if it isn't, it might cause problems. What they haven't thought is are they at least happy about it? Is it really the subject that they want to choose as the major? Does it really help to get someone’s dream profession? Although, the society hasn't failed to teach us on how humble we should be, how physical changes occur, even about how much sex and reproduction is important. It has made people free to talk about these topics. It has been a better society in comparison to how it was a few decades ago. Many schools like ours have been teaching these same things, and are covering these same problems. There are a lot of school in different parts of our countries which teach the students to be homophobic and being depressed is caused due to unhealthy relationships only. The education system has taught us to respect elders and someone who is older than us but it has failed to encourage people to raise their voices when needed. 

It's not like only the education system is at fault, the students should learn about the changes too, even parents should teach their children about these things. But little does a toddler know everything about life, they have to learn something and they learn and teach whatever they’ve been learning since their toddlerhood. Even the government should allow the citizens and the education system to have awareness programmes and orientations. The government should make strict laws about these problems too. But Is the education system failing to teach us humanity? No, it completely isn’t but a little bit of improvement, change and awareness in the education system would make everyone think a bit differently and want to be better human beings.