
Student Corner

Venus: The Hottest Planet

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VI

Posted on: 06 October, 2021

The terrestrial planet and the second nearest planet to the sun is venus. Venus is said to be named after a Roman goddess. It is called the brightest planet in the solar system after the moon because if the moon disappeared Venus is the planet which can be seen in the clouds but not clearly. Venus is also said to be the hottest planet even though mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

Venus is 108.2 million kilometer far away from the sun. The surface temperature is so close to 900 degrees. It takes about 225 days to complete an orbital period. This planet is made up of various gases. It is made up of 96% of carbon dioxide, 3% of nitrogen and so on. Scientists have been saying that Venus has 116 days 18 h in a day which will be a lot of hours even in one week.

People say that we can’t live on Venus especially because of it’s very hot temperature. Also because there is no sign of water and it is a dry and desertic planet. But there is the presence of gas. So there will be no difficulty in breathing. The gases include oxygen, nitrogen etc.