
Student Corner


Written by: Rushka Sapkota - 29024, Grade V

Posted on: 06 October, 2021

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of discomfort, tension, fear or worry. That can be mild or difficult. Everyone has feelings of anxiety sooner or later in their lives. For example, you may feel anxious sitting in an exam hall. Anxiety makes people feel weak, unorganized and nervous. When anxiety starts to enter your body your body feels weak and you peel off your skin sometimes out of fear.

How to stop anxiety attacks at night?

The first thing you do is get up and do something creative or do something that makes you happy. Such as make art, watch a video or take support of your family members. The second thing you do is forget that you have anxiety and think of something that can mentally support you. The third step is to make a story in your mind which keeps you asleep quickly.

How to stop anxiety attacks outside? 

When you have anxiety you normally peel your skin off and rub your hand as hard as you can. For this situation, we must carry a squishy toy or a stress ball. These items are found in many stores.