
Student Corner

My everyday struggle being a girl in Nepal

Written by: Joya Shrestha - 25004, Grade IX

Posted on: 05 October, 2021

Observing the current status and comparing the current situation with past situations I have found some positive changes regarding being a girl in Nepal however some parts of Nepali society have not accepted these positive changes. Everyday many girls have to face different problems. It’s the 21st century but also in many society people are doing gender discrimination. People still think girls are a burden. In many societies girls are not sent to school even after knowing that every child has the right to education. Girls are given less priority and people think that girls should only stay in the kitchen . They are only made to do cooking, cleaning. In small age  girls are being raped.10 years old are raped by her father. a 13 years old is being raped by her brothers. Even girls are not safe at their house. A 13 years old girl who was returning back from her friends house after studying was raped and killed but still the rapist hasn't been punished. Father is selling his daughter for money. In many society child marriage has not ended 13 years old girl is getting married just because she is a burden. A 15 years old is getting married to an unknown guy and she is being sold in India. A girl is getting married but the groom’s family is demanding dowry. If the bride's family doesn't give dowry then the bride is being tortured everyday and the bride can't do anything and she suicides or keeps shut about the violence that is being inflicted upon her.. In the past there was a culture which was followed but now that culture does not exist it was Sati Pratha where women used to be burnt alive if their husband died. A girl can't live her life after her husband dies. That's so unfair but in the past a guy used to have more than 10 wifes and if that guy died all those 10 to 15 women needed to lose their life. Still in Nepal being a girl is hard. We girls can't go out at night. Why should only girls be scared at night to go out? Why shouldn't boys be scared? It is because of the patriarchal mindset of the people. We girls should be scared all the time. What if  I will be the next Nirmala Panta? What if I will be the next Samjhana? Here in Nepal if we don't like the guys back we will be acid attack victims. The rapist won't be punished here strict laws are not made rapists are freely moving here and there. Here if a girl is having their first period they are kept in a dark place where their father and brother can't see them. They should not see their father and brother at that time where girls need care, a warm place, proteins etc but they are kept in a dark room where they don't get care. It's so hard for them who need to face these kinds of problems. Being a girl is not easy at all in Nepal. A girl is known as Laxmi but when she is in her period why can’t she touch the kitchen ? Why can she touch her father? and in Tihar she is the one who does puja for her brother. In Nepal if a girl laughs a lot, if a girl doesn't walk nicely,if a girl doesn't sit nicely,people start to talk about them and say “being a girl u shouldn't do this that”.Why we girls have to struggle a lot? If we do not fit in their patriarchal mindset of a “woman” then we are demeaned, ridiculed and forced to act as they please. Why do people think that we girls are less than boys? It is the 21st century in many societies people do not  discriminate between girls and boys but there are many societies in Nepal where they haven't accepted these positive changes.I hope that there will be more positive changes in few years and no girls should suffer from rape, acid attack, women trafficking, gender discrimination, and girls can get proper care during their periods.