
Student Corner


Written by: Yunil Ghimire - 24008, Grade X

Posted on: 30 September, 2021

The practice in which people get discriminated against because of their caste, religion, occupation etc they belong to is known as untouchability. In the practice of untouchability there are groups known as touchables and untouchables. Untouchables are those people who are not allowed to touch touchables, enter touchables houses, use the public properties, children are not allowed to go to school and get education and many more things. It is stated that the people who are considered untouchable and if they touch touchable or public properties they become impure and bad. To become pure again there is a tradition that sprinkling holy water on the person who was touched by the untouchable will be purified. All these types of traditions are just beliefs made by people and are inviting social problems in our society and making our people behave badly to other people. 

Untouchability is still practiced in the rural areas of Nepal where they discriminate people and not let them do any other things. The touchable beat the untouchable, throw dust at them, and other people will just ignore this and let these things happen. They won’t do anything to these people in those areas which are clearly very bad things and still it is being practiced in some places of Nepal. For example in the rural places of Nepal people have prohibited Dalits from entering the temple, using the public tap, not letting them enter their houses and many more things. These traditions are social problem which is harming the human rights that are given to other people. So we all need to do something to stop this tradition which is still being practiced in the rural areas because it is harming many people's lives and is also harming the rights that are given to the people.

Some of the effects which can be seen because of untouchability are that it causes conflict in the society. The victim who is discriminated might get depression, tension, fear, humiliation ,etc and might even give up on their life because of these things and we cannot accept this. It also affects the psychology of children after seeing such things in the society. Most of the children can’t even attend school because of discrimination and getting bullied by their friends being in low class family. It harms the cooperation between people and builds hate and anger between people. It also causes loss of social value. 

The things that we all can do to end untouchability and other social problems are that we need to spread awareness and provide education to the people who still follow these traditions. Also the government should make a strong and effective law against it and if  someone does these kinds of things again that person should be putten in  jail for violating human rights. We should teach the people how untouchability has a negative effect on the sufferer's life and the children's psychology too. These are some of the things that we can do to solve untouchability faster and we all need to get together to end these social problems fast in our country.