
Student Corner


Written by: Ayan Basnet - 25019, Grade IX

Posted on: 28 September, 2021

Today's generation is so developed because of science and technology. Science has proved to be more of a gift for man than an invention. Science is one of the biggest achievements in human history. People's thinking has changed due to science and technology. Many undiscovered and unknown things have been known and explained by science. Due to it people can go to any city, country or planet as soon as possible making our lives easier than ever compared to the past. Modern inventions allow us to gain knowledge of the world by sitting in a room at home. The work that uses lots of time and effort can be easily done in hours or less nowadays. We can do anything and everything possible from our home because of science and technology.

Some contributions and advantages given by science and technologies are:

  • Introduction to unknown things.
  • Helps us to do our work with ease, comfort and conveniently.
  • Awares us about dangerous and not dangerous things.
  • Access to worldwide information.
  • We can use multi- media as a source of Entertainment as Video and Audio.
  • We can live in a safe house.
  • We can travel from one part of the world to another.
  • We can talk with our loved ones from one part of the world to another part of the world.
  • During the pandemic when we can't go outside of our houses normally we can take online classes by staying at home, we can order food and buy clothes by staying at home.
  • People from the past used to have thought that earth is flat but now people do know that earth is round due to science and technology.

These all types of advantages from science and technology help us in multiple ways. But technology not only has advantages but also disadvantages too.

Some of the disadvantages of science and technologies are:

  • People are becoming lazy because of simplified work using technologies.
  • Studies of students are being hindered by overuse of technologies and not caring about studies.
  • We can see people nowadays use too much mobiles, phones and can't have a proper quality time with their families.
  • People are becoming more dependent on technology.

Technologies have both advantages and disadvantages so don't be careless. It sure has become a source of help, but also it is hampering us in many ways. Now technologies have evolved so much that everyone has their own mobile phone. Younger children also have their own mobile phones. Students have become so addicted to online games that it is affecting their studies. Students are also getting very low grades because of mobile phones. Recently, I would like to say that technology is advancing day by day. Now we know that every day in the future there will be more advanced technologies and further advancement. So let's be careful, know the limitations and don't let technology affect our lives in bad ways.