
Student Corner

Breathing Nostalgia

Written by: Pratik Dangol - 27009, Grade VII

Posted on: 27 September, 2021

My old days were the days when I was little and everyone used to care for me. In those days I was not able to differentiate between good and bad stuff but used to live my life freely with happiness and fun.

Nowadays we cannot go outside our house without any important work. We stay home most of the time. Studying, playing and doing everything mostly at home only. But in the past, I  had many friends and I used to play outdoor games with them. The whole day and in the evening when I came home my legs used to hurt a lot. Now if I go to find those friends then I will find very few of them. 

I also remember that at some point of  time my aim was to be a cricketer. There were some brothers who used to go to play cricket on the grounds of Mitrapark and I used to go with them. I was very good at cricket then my interest changed to tennis as I became very good at it. I used to defeat others but my interest again changed because my tennis bats were stolen. I am now interested in football. Due to  pandemic time, it's been a long time since I have played outdoor games. 

There were days I used to enjoy sneaking outside. I used to witness every jatras. In my place many jatras are done and I was very interested in it, in fact I still am! I also remember the days when I used to run immediately outside after hearing the dhime Baja.When I remember those days I find myself lost somewhere in the past. I sometimes feel like going back to those wonderful days and I question to myself, ‘until when are we going to get trapped inside?’