
Student Corner

Growing up Female

Written by: Anushka Basnet - 24001, Grade X

Posted on: 24 September, 2021

Growing up in a world as a living being with a lot of responsibilities held on your shoulders is hard. And being a female adds extra “spice” to it. Scientifically speaking, there are two sexes, Male and Female and those who don't fall into both of those categories use an umbrella term, genderqueer or non binary. We have different gender identity and biological gender is the sex we are assigned at birth. 
Statistically, being female is harder than being a male in society. Sure there are hardships one needs to face regardless of their gender but being a female itself brings a lot of difficulties. For a long time since history, showing even a little bit of nudity is categorized as indecency. Only females are expected to learn social skills, as it is categorized "not so manly" for males to learn social skills. People still think women all belong in the kitchen. Rape cases are getting higher every year. Even home is not considered a safe place to stay. Every males acts upon a threat towards females in the society. Having to go through physical pain every once in a month because of menstruation, having everyone except a male child, having everyone to judge every one of your moves, having to take care of everyone since birth, and having to live in constant fear of getting raped, murdered or beaten is scary. Just because men couldn't handle their sexual desires many women have been raped, catcalled, objectified etc.
Recently, on Nepali TikTok page, "Saree trend" was on hype. Many females joined the trend and showed their cleavage which is perfectly fine. But some oppressed people (especially men) started blaming the creators saying that those videos were the exact reason why women get raped. They say females were desperately begging for getting raped by posting those videos. Harassing someone on the basis of clothes tehy wear is irrational. If the problem was with clothes, no women wearing clothes covering their entire body would be victims of such harassment. Constantly giving opinions on how females should know their place and not talk much is not something to be proud of. The sexes of people are supposed to be equal. The men have always dominated society with women behind them. Now this problem is slowly dissolving; some random people decide to raise a controversial internet feud regarding women’s character. In my opinion, the problem here is the people’s point of view on these things. If the people didn’t care much about how someone dresses this question wouldn’t have been raised. Of course with that being said people are supposed to dress appropriately. However, making a big deal out of girls wearing Saari in tiktok is a very petty and ignorant thing to do, especially when women are always endangered and are not safe anymore because of the lust of the people next to them.
Growing up in a society with such a cruel mindset is not easy. I personally believe that nudity or modesty doesn't define decency. Whatever one is comfortable with, defines their decency. Clothes should cover up your whole body, don't give men chances, don't walk outside alone especially during night, don't forget your place, etc are the things I have been hearing since little by people around me. I understand that they are trying to ensure our safety but it would have been better and more convenient only if men were taught about respect, personal space, and manners.