
Student Corner

Acid attack

Written by: Bipana Shrestha - 24002, Grade X

Posted on: 23 September, 2021

An acid attack is a type of assault in which the perpetrator throws a corrosive substance such as acid on someone else to injure, damage, or disfigure them. Acid attacks have been a very big problem all over the world recently. There are a lot of acid attacks happening in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and other countries in Asia. According to Acid Survivors Foundation International (ASFI) statistics, there are an estimated 1,500 acid attacks every year around the world. In Afghanistan alone, in 2009-2010 there were 1,050 cases of women burned with acid. Acid attacks are often seen as a form of revenge from people who do not want to commit murder.
If you've ever come in contact with acid, you know how much it burns. Well, imagine if someone sprayed acid on your face or threw a bottle of it at your chest. This is what an acid attack feels like, and is usually intentionally inflicted by one person on another to take revenge or punish them for something. The victim often suffers from blinding pain and terrifying disfigurement along with mental trauma that can last a lifetime. Society doesn't understand people who survive acid attacks, they consider them to be very brave and amazingly strong. Society fails to realize that there's a lot of suffering that goes along with this, and many individuals don't survive the horrific event. They are burned, disfigured, and scarred for life but have nothing to show for their bravery other than having scars they can't escape from. They will never know what it's like to have to be careful every time someone turns their head. As they walk, they'll wonder was that person looking at them? No one sees the glory in this struggle. No one knows how hard it is to try and blend in with the crowd while being different. There's a light inside of them that keeps pushing, but they can't stop it from coming out because people give them a bad reputation and tell them they're not good enough no matter what they do.
Attackers use acid as a weapon, leaving their victims with life-long physical and emotional scars. Acid attacks are not just random acts of violence. They are usually premeditated revenge attacks, where the attacker often knows their victim personally. An acid attack is not only a violent attack, it is an assault on the person’s identity. It disfigures the victim, rendering them handicapped in their emotions and feelings. It's a horror you can't imagine for yourself or anyone else. The survivors, most of whom are women who were targeted by a man, suffer for the rest of their lives. 
Acid assaults were historically rare in Nepal, but they appear to have become more regular in recent years. Since 2016, 18 women and 4 males have been assaulted, according to the police, although a greater number of persons have been treated at clinics, implying that many more cases go unreported. The Nepalese government has enacted several regulations. The maximum penalty has been raised, and individuals buying acid must show identification and be registered on a database, according to new rules approved by President Bidya Bhandari.
The administration has taken the appropriate steps, but more should be done. Regulations governing acid sales must be effectively enforced. More help and services should be offered to women who are afraid of stalkers and guys who threaten them with acid attacks. Acid attacks must be stopped. Strict action must be taken against it. To reduce such violence, steps should be taken to ensure that the laws are effectively implemented.