
Student Corner


Written by: Deeva Shrestha - 28016, Grade VI

Posted on: 23 September, 2021

The addition of harmful substances to the environment is called pollution. The harmful things are called pollutants. There are three types of pollution: air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution.


The harmful substances in air are called air pollution. Causes of air pollution are:

  • Burning plastics smoke from houses and factories
  • Burning trees
  • Smoke from vehicles

Polluted air causes respiratory diseases, nervous disorders, nausea and headache. Sometimes, it causes acid rain.


The harmful substances in water are called water pollution. Causes of water pollution are:

  • Throwing waste toxic materials from factories, hospital etc in the water resources
  • Throwing garbage in the water resources
  • Bathing animals in the water resources
  • Throwing waste  products from houses in the water resources

If the water is polluted the aquatic animals die  and we get different kinds of diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid etc.


The harmful substances in soil are called soil pollution. Causes of soil pollution are:

  • Throwing garbage on the land
  • Putting chemicals in the soil
  • Throwing non-degradable waste on the land
  • Throwing animals and plants wastes on the land


If the land is polluted then the plants can't grow properly and non-biodegradable waste does not let air go inside the soil which results in the reduction of fertility soil.


Prevention of pollution are:

  • Reducing the use of polythene bags
  • Throwing garbage in dustbin
  • Reusing the things that can be used again
  • Recycling old items into new products


We should keep our environment clean. We should save our earth and the life on it. The main step to keep our environment clean is to follow the 3 R's which are reduce, reuse and recycle.