
Student Corner


Written by: Sambid Dhakal - 30028, Grade IV

Posted on: 23 September, 2021

A mountain is the raised portion of the Earth’s crust, which is usually cold and windy. The pointed top of the mountain is called the peak. It usually has steep sloping sides. All mountains and hills have made up hard rock. Some of the mountains are covered with green plants and some of them are covered with snow. The highest mountain in the world is Mt. Everest, which lies in our country Nepal. 
Mountains are not an easy place to survive for living beings because of the cold. Some of the plants found in mountains are pines, spruce trees etc . Animals living in the mountain region have thick fur to protect them from cold. There are many mountain climbers, they climb the mountains for the adventure. The mountains which are covered with snow are hard to climb. There are many mountains in Nepal  Example:  Lhotse, Annapurna, Sagarmatha, Machhapuchhre etc. Many tourists visit our country just to see the mountains.