
Student Corner


Written by: Aarav BC - 25001, Grade IX

Posted on: 22 September, 2021

Cannibalism is the practice of eating the flesh of the same kind. For example if a dog eats another dog that is cannibalism. Cannibalism exists among many species on earth. Cannibalism may be bad and disgusting among us humans but it is surprisingly common in the animal kingdom as there are lots of  benefits of eating your own kind. It is very nutritious for your body and has many other benefits. Cannibalism is disgusting among us humans. We feel like vomiting when we even think or hear about it and it really is disgusting eating your own kind.

There are still cases of human cannibalism. Human cannibalism simply means humans eating humans. Although most people are not cannibal (A person who practices cannibalism) there are some people who still practice cannibalism. But usually Cannibal people are very rare to find. Usually they can be of old tribes etc. But human cannibalism is very very rare in this era. People would rather eat other animals than eating a human. Also, human cannibalism is against the law of every country. There are many other species that do cannibalism. spiders, hippopotamuses, apes etc are some species that do cannibalism. 
Scientists have found out that if a human eats the brain of any other human then it can actually affect you with a disease called “Kuku” which is a brain disease that is similar to mad cow disease. There is also a concept of self-cannibalism. Self cannibalism is basically the act or practice of eating your own flesh. People actually practice self cannibalism. But cannibalism is quite common among rattlesnakes because they may eat their young ones. A snake may eat their young ones if the mother and the babies are near each other for a long time or if they are housed together. Snakes also do self cannibalism but without knowing they are doing it. The snakes mey smell the odor or the smell of their prey in their own body and then they start eating themselves. 

Dogs also practice cannibalism. Although it is very very rare in dogs, female dogs of any breed or of any mixed breed can cannibalize their puppies. Sometimes dogs have a desire to consume their own kind. This behaviour is called coprophagy. Only thinking about it gives me goosebumps. Cannibal people should be taken to a rehab centre as immediately as possible because eating your own kind is not a good thing. In fact it's disgusting but although it is common in the animal kingdom we humans are superior to other animals, we have feelings,we know what is wrong and what is right. So we should never practice cannibalism.

Cannibalism really is a very strange practice. Humans used to cannibalise in ancient times which is 600,000 years ago. It is very surprising that people are still practicing human cannibalism even after so many years. We really don’t know and understand why humans practice cannibalism or why any other species cannibalism. It can be because of hunger or any other possible reason. But practicing cannibalism is disgusting and we should never practice it. Because everyone deserves and has the right to live every species deserves to live that is why we are born. And taking others' life to fulfill our needs is a wrong thing, it is a disgusting thing. That means we are going against the rule of nature. Cannibalism is a bad practice and we humans should never practice it.