
Student Corner

What Happens If We Stop Sleeping?

Written by: Samyam Rai - 29028, Grade V

Posted on: 22 September, 2021

Sleeping is our basic need and it is very necessary for our survival. It gives rest to our body and charges our brain for the next day. If we do not sleep for 24 hours, it does not cause major health problems, but we may feel tired and off. When we miss thirty six-hours of sleep, our memory will begin to weaken and we will forget things and even our reaction time will decrease. Moreover, If we think about staying awake for the next Forty-eight hours then our body will start to shut down many vital physical functions and not be able to metabolize glucose properly. So we should not try this. Our immune system will stop functioning and we will be prone to sickness. On the third day, horror will begin to strike and we will start to hallucinate, meaning we will see and hear things that are not real. Sounds very scary. Not only that we will forget time and everything like our own name, how to eat, how to play etc. Mainly we will forget how to read and after fourteen days we could be fatal.
 There was a seventeen year’s old student called Randy Gardner, he managed to stay awake for 264 hours, 11days for making his record. After that, he needed to go to the hospital because he had a brain problem. So, we should not try this. We should always go to bed on time and wake up in time.