
Student Corner


Written by: Arya Tharu - 2022006, Grade XII

Posted on: 21 September, 2021

First of all, the question arises: What is Stress? Stress is a feeling of physical or mental tension. Anybody can suffer from any sort of stress. It occurs to people of different ages and the reason behind the Stress may vary, for example, a working person has the stress of his/her work, a sportsperson has stress from his/her game. Students have stress from their study or exam. In fact, every person has stress in their life and every person knows how to tackle it and our body is trained for it. In other words, it comes from work or some events that make you feel angry or frustrated.
Mainly, there are three types of stress. These are acute, episodic and chronic stress. To define, acute stress is very common and happens to everyone and it does not have any harm in our life. Episodic stress is something when a person suffers from acute stress frequently and lastly the Chronic stress is a stress that is harmful and that has negatively affected the health of the body.
On one hand, stress can motivate people and reach their goals and challenges can be solved effectively. It also helps to boost the memory and can complete the task very effectively and efficiently. It will make people tough and challenging who don’t panic in difficult situations which can be taken as good stress because it is beneficial and motivating. 
On the other hand, when you feel stress, there is release of large hormones in the body i.e. adrenaline and cortisol which can cause a lot of health problems. Generally, People’s heart beat rate increases rapidly and also people can suffer from heart attack, rise in blood pressure, depression and anxiety, pain, thinking and memory problems can be seen in our body which can be taken as bad stress.
Therefore, Stress in unavoidable part of life, but we can improve the way we respond to stress. We can’t avoid stress but can stop stress by practicing some meditation, yoga and the habit of exercising daily and taking care of our own body can be beneficial to everyone. Also, being positive in every situation can be helpful for stress management.