
Student Corner

Gender Inequality

Written by: Angel Dhimal - 25002, Grade IX

Posted on: 21 September, 2021

Girls should not be sent to school, they are not allowed to go outside, they should be at home! But why? If boys can go to school then why not girls? And if boys are allowed to go out freely then why not girls? If boys can work then why can't girls? Why are only the girls supposed to sacrifice the dreams and wishes for their family? Boys are allowed to pursue their dreams but not girls? And the reason is just that they are girls? In many of the places of our country, Nepal, the situation is so. Girls and boys are treated very differently. Gender inequality is still practiced in our country. Gender inequality simply means to discriminate people based on their sex. It is the unequal treatment that is done between men, women and people of the third sex. In different places of our country, especially in the rural areas, gender discrimination is very common. Daughters are taken as a burden, and are not treated as well as a son is. Still today, many people wish to have a son rather than a daughter, this is also called “son preference”. I don't understand why people think a daughter is a burden. Many people think that girls are someone who has to go to someone else's house after they are grown up and so there is no point in letting them study, their investments in their daughter is a waste. It's a culture of our society that when a girl grows up, she has to leave the house of her parents and go to live in someone else's house and they are someone else's responsibility. She never belongs to her house nor to her “partner’s” house. A girl has to face so many problems in life. Girls can do everything boys can but they are never given a chance because they are girls. And according to these kinds of people they think boys are always higher, better than girls. But this is actually not true if a girl wants she can do every work a boy does. Although nowadays in some places gender discrimination is not followed, boys and girls both are given equal opportunity but somewhere this society still treats women lower then men. Somehow this society still doesn't accept the fact that men and women both are equal. It's true, men and women both are equal, and should be equally treated as well. Women and men both should be given equal opportunities and respect. Every woman deserves equal respect as a man. Women are very strong and they are treated as Goodness. I believe that women are stronger than men because they have more responsibility. She is pressured into taking up more responsibility. Although all the sexes have their own difficulties and hardships they have to face but because of the patriarchal mindset of the society, women are more burdened.