
Student Corner

Education in Nepal

Written by: Sameep Krishu Maharjan - 25020, Grade IX

Posted on: 20 September, 2021

Education in Nepal was based on home schooling and gurukuls in which pupils would learn either in their home or with gurus. Before Nepal was declared a democratic country we had no access to formal education. The first formal school was Durbar High School; it was established by Jung Bahadur Rana in 1853. Ranas did not let other people study because they were afraid that people would revolte. After all the people started going to school the girls were not allowed to go to the school because people thought that they should learn to do home chores and not to read at school. Now the girls also go to school.bThere are now 35,222 elementary and secondary schools and 10 universities with more than 1,400 colleges and campuses in Nepal. Dharmendra Pradhan is the current education minister of Nepal. There are many teachers in Nepal. There are many nice teachers that want kids to understand and use the things they taught in the future. But there are some teachers that only teach for money, don't give full effort, they teach less things in class and give lots of work that may cause depression, give traumatizing punishments for small things, hold prejudices against groups of students etc. Some days the bags are very heavy. Nepal adult literacy rate is 24.6% below the global average. 90% of the education is theoretical with minuscule scope for practical learning and research on the part of the pupils. There is no space for creative learning and thinking and students are always bound to a specific syllabus and are not really encouraged to go out and about their needs. Before people used to study at home but as the time went it developed . Now people study online, due to the pandemic.

Some advantages of online classes they are given below:
You have a direct pipeline to the instructor via email, you can get your questions answered directly. Many students aren’t comfortable asking questions in class for fear of feeling stupid. Many times you think of a question after class or while you are studying. Rather than trying to remember to ask it or forgetting it, you can send an email to the instructor. Having that spark of interest and knowing how to find information online ensures that what you're learning is always available to you.

Some disadvantages of online classes are given below:
An Internet-based course demands that you develop personal time- management skills. Sometimes, it means making difficult choices. It is a sink or swim proposition and you can’t have it both ways. If you desire to become a responsible, self-sufficient, independently minded citizen of this planet, now is the time to start. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Get busy with it.In my opinion, it’s a much better situation for the student. By the time a student enters a community college, they want to be independent. They don't want someone telling them what to do all the time. They want their freedom.