
Student Corner

Amazing Facts About Animals

Written by: Kabya Satyal - 30042, Grade IV

Posted on: 17 September, 2021

Animals play an important role in our lives. They provide us with food and many more things. Some of the animals are friends of human beings. They are amazing and unique creatures on this planet. Today, I am going to write some interesting and funny facts about animals. They are listed below:
Elephants are the only animals that can not jump. 
A cow has four rooms in its stomach while the other animals have only one room in the stomach.
A rattlesnake produces sound when it walks. 
A snail can sleep for three years at a time. 
Slugs have four noses. 
The heart of a shrimp is found in its head.
Cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in a lifetime.
The bat is the only mammal that can fly. 
An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. 
Around 50% of orangutans have fractured bones, due to falling out of trees.