
Student Corner

Wonders of the world

Written by: Agraj Rijal - 29004, Grade V

Posted on: 17 September, 2021

The 7 wonderful monuments are also called the seven wonders of the world because of their best construction work. There are 7 new wonders of the world. They are the Great Wall of China, Petra, Machu Picchu, Taj Mahal, Great Pyramid, Colosseum, Christ the Redeemer statue. 
Great Wall of China:
The Great Wall is located in Beijing, China.  It is 21, 196 km long. The Great Wall was built in the 7th century and it took nearly 20 years to build the Great Wall of China. About 300,000 soldiers and 500,000 common people were involved in building the Great Wall of China.  It is considered a wonder of the world because of its size, the time it took to build and the number of people involved in the construction of the great wall.
Petra is located in Jordan.  Many houses and temples of Petra are made up of Red stones. Some people use camels to go around in Petra. Petra is also called the “ Red Rose City” because of the colour red of the stones from which houses and temples are made. It is considered as a wonder of the world by a vote of 100 million people in 2007.
Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu is located in Peru, South America. Machu Picchu was discovered by Hiram Bingham. Machu Picchu is a beautiful place. Many tourists visit Machu Picchu. The houses of Machu Picchu are made up of wooden logs and covered with straws. Machu Picchu is called a wonder of the world because it is 7,000 above sea level in the Andes Mountains.

Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal is located in north India. Agra built the Taj Mahal because he was requested by emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his wife. Taj Mahal is also known as the  Jewel of Muslim art in India. It was known as a wonder in 1983 AD because of Mughal architecture and a symbol of India's rich history.

Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid is located at Giza. It is the oldest and largest pyramid of Giza. The Great Pyramid was constructed in 2600 BC. It took 20 years to build the great pyramid of Giza. 100,000 men were involved in the construction of the Great Pyramid. It is a wonder of the world because it is the most famous human-made structure ever built.                   
Christ the Redeemer Statue

Christ the Redeemer Statue
 Christ the Redeemer Statue is located in Southern Brazil. It is a statue of Jesus Christ. It is 98 feet tall. It is 2,340 feet above sea level. It is also known as the biggest statue of  Jesus Christ. Christ the Redeemer statue is a wonder of the world because it has become a cultural icon of both Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.  

The  Соlоsseum
The  Соlоsseum,  аlsо knоwn аs the  Flаviаn  Аmрhitheаter,  is the lаrgest building in the city of  Rоme.  The соnstruсtiоn оf the  Соlоsseum began about  70-72  АD  аnd wаs соmрleted in  80 AD.  Emрerоr  Vesраsiаn begаn аll his wоrk,  and  Emperor  Titus соmрleted the соlоsseum.