
Student Corner

The Witches

Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade VII

Posted on: 16 September, 2021

The Witches is a book written by Roald Dahl and Illustrated by Quentin Blake. This book is a really interesting book. Once you read it you’ll want to read it more. It is about a world with witches in it. Let’s start by introducing how a REAL WITCH is. A note about Witches is that they dress ordinary and look like normal women. They even have ordinary jobs. The witches hate children. They spend their time trying to get rid of children. People who do these get caught but witches never get caught. They wear gloves to hide their hands. Witches also have sharp noses.Witches are bald and have no toes. 
Now let's get with the story. There was a boy with grandmother. He wasn’t with his mom and dad. Why? Because one day he along with his mom and dad were going to his grandmother's house but they crashed their car and both his mom and dad died leaving him behind. And now he is with his grandmother and she is telling her stories about the WITCHES. His grandmother is telling about the Grand High Witch. The grand high witch is the head of witches. All the witches get together and get a lecture from the Grand High Witch in a place where no human being knows where it is. 
After some time, Summer Holiday arrives! The boy and his grandmother planned on going to Norway. But suddenly his grandmother got sick. So they’ll have to stay in Hotel Magnificent in the famous seaside of Bournemouth. On the first morning the boy wanted to train his mouse so he went downstairs and there was a huge double-door and the doors were open. He opened the door and it was a colossal room. He went behind the screen and did his training there. After sometime a lot of ladies came in the room and slowly chose their seats. The boy was looking through the crack of the screen. Everybody was quiet until a woman appeared on the screen. Then she took off her mask as she was wearing a mask. Her face looked really frightful. Then they chained the doors. The audience took off their wigs, their shoes but they didn't have toes. They also took their gloves off. Then the boy realized they were actually witches and the one standing on the screen was the GRAND HIGH WITCH! They were talking about how every child in this world should be gone. They were also talking about the recipe the grand high witch made to make all the children disappear. They tested it with a child called Bruno and he turned into a rat! 
Suddenly one of the witches got up and said ‘I smell children!’ They all got up and went searching and then saw the boy. One of the witches dragged him and turned him into a rat. The boy later went to their room.The boy told everything to his grandmother and then they had a plan where they take the recipe the witch made and the next morning put it into their food. They both agreed. Finally the next morning, the boy (that turned into a rat) put the recipe into every food the witches ate. And guess what? All the witches ate it and turned into rats. Even though the boy was still a rat, he and his grandmother went back to their hometown.