
Student Corner

The Milky Way

Written by: Pasang Doma Sherpa - 30019, Grade IV

Posted on: 16 September, 2021

A galaxy means gas, dust and many stars held together by strong gravity. There are many galaxies and our galaxy is called the "Milky way". Our galaxy "The Milky Way" is a spiral galaxy, which means that our galaxy has long bands of gas, dust and stars. These bands are called arms of the galaxy. There is a big black hole in the middle of our galaxy. Our galaxy is so big that even scientists do not know how many arms there are in our galaxy. Scientists think that there are 4 arms or even 2 arms of our galaxy. We can see a spiral arm of our galaxy only in a place where no light of cities can reach. There are so many stars in our galaxy that they are uncountable.