
Student Corner

Snow Road

Written by: Reshu Rani Singh - 29023, Grade V

Posted on: 15 September, 2021

There was a village called  Rangapur.  It was a haunted village. There was one road that passed through dense forests. Whoever passes through the road after 5:00 pm, the spirit calls their name. One day the boy named Rounak came to the village to meet his uncle and cousin brother Chandu. Rounak came there with his two friends Ram and Mohan.
Three boys were very happy to see the green and beautiful environment of the village, they liked the village very much and they decided to stay in the village.
 On the second day, Rounak and his friends went to Chandu and asked, “Chandu we three have decided to stay in the village and do some work here, so we wanted to open the tailor shop, can you help us to find out the perfect location for the tailor shop?” Chandu replied, “Sure, you can open a shop here but before that, you should know some mysterious things about this village.” “Village Mystery? What are you trying to say, we didn’t understand?” asked Ram. Chandu replied, “Yes, this is a haunted village. There is a spirit in this village. Whenever any villager passes through the road in the forest after 5:PM, the spirit calls them from behind and when the person looks back the spirit changes the person into a snow cube. Always remember to close your shop and reach home before 5:00 pm”. Three friends did not believe in the story and laughed at Chandu. They decided the location of their shop. On the first day of their work, they closed the shop at 6:00 PM. It was already  7:00 PM when they were returning home. When they were passing through the road they heard somebody calling them their names. They remembered the story of Chandu and did not look back. Three friends started to run. They ran as fast as possible and reached home. The boys were afraid and decided to complete all their work before 5:00 pm. From that day onwards they always reached home before 5:00. 
One day, it was the time of the festival. They had many clothes to stitch. Mohan decided to work a few more minutes but Ram and Rohan left for home. Mohan was busy with his work. He forgot the time, it was already 6:00 pm. He was very afraid, so he decided to listen to music on the way. He used earphones and increased the volume so he could not hear any outside sound and walked very fast. Luckily, that day he did not hear any sound of the spirit. He was so happy. He told everything to his friends, he also told them that it's very safe to use earphones. From that day onwards they started to close their shop after five and keep earphones for safety. It continued for one month. One day again, when Mohan was returning home alone. Unfortunately, that day he forgot to charge his mobile battery so he couldn’t listen to music. He was so scared, when he was passing through the road, he heard his grandmother calling his name. His grandmother passed away many years ago due to cancer. When he heard the sound of his grandmother he could not control himself and turned back. The spirit changed him into a snow cube.
 The next day Ronak and Ram looked for Mohan, they searched him in the whole village. The villagers told the spirit might have changed him in the snow cube. Ram and Ronak cried a lot. After that incident, they decided to leave the village. They sold the tailor shop and left the village. They also promised not to return to that village again.