
Student Corner


Written by: Somanshu Rajbhandari - 32018, Grade II

Posted on: 14 September, 2021

There are five types of  animals. They are terrestrial, arboreal, amphibian, aquatic and aerial. Terrestrial animals are those who live on land. For example: lion, tiger, cow, black panther, goat, etc. Arboreal animals are those who spend most of their life on the tree. For example: monkeys. Squirrels, etc. Amphibians are those who live both on land and in water. For example: turtle, otter, frog, etc. Aquatic animals are those who live in water only. For example: fish, shark, dolphin, etc. Aerial animals are those who spend most of their life in air. For example: eagle, pigeon, etc. Animals are useful to us. They help us in agricultural works. We get milk, meat, egg, etc. from animals which makes us healthy. They help us to move from one place to another. They also carry our goods from one place to another which makes it easy to move heavy goods. I love dogs very much because they protect our house from thieves.