
Student Corner

Women in pre-colonial South Asia: Humiliated or Glorified?

Written by: Arpan Acharya - 23010, Grade XI

Posted on: 25 July, 2021

The answer representing our world today is a big “ YES” as most of the South Asian population is labeled as misogynists and people with lower mindsets or standards of treating women. But, my perspective is not to elaborate on this present status, rather this article will tend to explore the state of our women in prehistoric Vedic times where there was no interference of Britishers and influence of Californication. 
This time is known as the Rig Vedic Period [ 1500BCE-1100 BCE].

In order to prove the prominence of women in that time, we can take examples of their involvement in the family’s economic status. Women had an equal contribution to the financial status of the family by engaging themselves in the local professions at that time like weaving, sewing, and corn grinding, etc. Also, we cannot forget their involvement in wars and defense. Women had great pride and personality. If we carefully read the hymns of rig Veda and interpret them, every sexist thought that we have will get eliminated. In fact, most of the mantras of rig Veda are written by women. This involvement of women in writing the holiest scriptures of the religion itself proves to answer the patriarchal blames for the religion. In terms of having a voice and rights, women were jubilated with freedom and independence having access to education, proper guidance, and active participation in public discourse. One of the hymns when translated says that “the woman and her new husband are of the same level as her previous husband”. This clarifies that a widow’s marriage was permitted at that time.

Women at that time had immense respect and validation, not for being a housewife or mistress but a true individual with great potential to serve humanity. In my opinion, what degrades our norms and forms all these taboos and sexist beliefs might be a consequence of several invasions, different colonial myths, and of course the “Californication”.