
Student Corner

Former Class and New Class

Written by: Safal Gautam - 22016, Grade XII

Posted on: 22 July, 2021

The year 2020 and 2021 has been a major rollercoaster ride for all of us. Covid-19 forced us to stay at home with limited things to do, yet gave us many opportunities in the online world. One thing is for sure that if there was no lockdown and all, I suppose I would have not been enrolled in Deerwalk. So, more or less, I am grateful that Covid made me able to choose Deerwalk where I met different people with different personalities than my friends from school. 

Here, I met Tech Enthusiasts, Anime and Manga Enthusiasts, Gaming Enthusiasts, Programming Enthusiasts and many different people who have wide varieties of hobbies yet are similar to each other in one way or another. The new class and college allowed me to meet different friends with whom I will spend 2 years at most with, and will always leave a deep mark in my life. Different groups, different ideas, different people, different class, culture, geography,  yet all of us together made the short time we had in Grade 11 better, and fun even with the low amount of time we actually spent other than in the online classes where we could not meet and talk. 

Hiking, DSS Night, Sports Meet, DSS talk, different extraa courses, Lunch Time, Breaks, Classes and the time to go home together are the best memories I had during the pandemic time. Not forgetting about the teachers, the teachers we had during this year were very fun and caring. There will be unexpected jokes suddenly during classes as well as serious lectures and teaching to make us solve our problems and mistakes.Though I had not participated, some teachers used to play with us and even invited us to play during weekends which was a new thing. Though they let us do what we want and be free instead of getting bound, they still reminded us to do what must be done and not to do what must not be done. 

The programs conducted by the college were also very good and fun as the college did everything they could to allow us to take part in such events even though the situation due to the pandemic seemed not so optimistic.

Projects given to us were good too as they allowed us to hone our research abilities and knowledge and allowed us to engage and make interesting things and programs using what we have learned during the year as well as the things we could learn while doing the projects.

I have high expectations for the session of Grade 12 as we had in grade 11. We could enjoy it again if the pandemic ceases allowing us to return back to the college. Frankly speaking though, I was sort of surprised that the sections were changed, making me be separated from my two very close friends and I hope they don’t miss me too much in the next class but still this doesn't stop me to feel hopeless as classmates whom I could not spend time with last year due to some changes will be there in the new session with me.