
Student Corner


Written by: Anukrama Paudel - 22031, Grade XI

Posted on: 20 July, 2021

'Promise!' said I, 'thing of sludge.'
Somewhat louder than the trudge
Eagerly I looked for the prediction
The provision smiled
Back into my memories assuring
I crave the confirmed, convinced confirmation
All my soul within me turing
The arrangements came procuring
Remembering many pimping, retaining vows
Ah, distinctly I was vying
I felt obliged to admire the plows.

Still is lying, still is lying
The recruitment seemed happy shying
I crave the unopposed, unfazed urging
As of someone gently eying, eying
I felt compelled to sniff the roadways
Groom - groom - groom!
Suddenly, I heard some habituating
My backhoe, I could not awaken.

I crave the earthmoving, eldest engagement
Salivating and salivating with my lad
Quoth the route, 'Don't go sad!'
To warn me about the layout
It was ironclad, devout, mad!
Instead I uncovered the designer
'It's that son-in-law,' I muttered
Death shall bring options
And the conduit never combing