
Student Corner

Struggle of life

Written by: Arya Khatri - 22027, Grade XII

Posted on: 18 July, 2021

Life is a package full of people, emotions, feelings, hardships and struggle. Life does not have meaning in itself, we people give meaning to our lives. Life is both bitter and sweet. It is impossible for a person to live their life without any obstacles or hardships, rather hardships are part of life, which we must go through. Life is not smooth and easygoing as shown in Reel Life or Movies. In Real Life we struggle at every step.  If there is no struggle, there is no progress as life is more confined. Everyone has their own story, their own struggle, their own ups and down. We think that we are the only ones who are facing hardships but in reality, there are billions who struggle to pass one day peacefully. Yes, there are times when we want to give up but it's not the end till the end. 

Struggles are required or inevitable for one to survive in life. In order to stand up, you get to know what falling down is like. It is like knowing the importance of Light we must face the Dark or the vice versa. Struggles give us the knowledge to survive and live life to the fullest.  Most people attempt suicide because they are not able to handle the pressure that occurs in ones life. We must take this pressure as a positive factor, it is a part that no one can skip, everyone needs to pass that stage and come out stronger. In this world we must be a Phoenix bird if we want to survive. It is in fact a natural process that sometimes we feel depressed but finishing life out of this pressure is not the solution. There can be two views regarding struggle:-  Positive and Negative. Positive one says that "the struggle or pressure you're in today is developing the strength you need for today, tomorrow." On contrary, negative says that "struggle is a start of failure and suicide is the only solution." It depends on us which we want to believe and accept. If we believe the negative, we can only worry and be depressed but the positive one makes us stronger and gives us the strength to move on. We need to struggle in order to sustain our life. Sometimes we need to be hurt in order to grow.This is like an experience we had when we were child, we knew the traits of fire because we had pain or burnt our hand. There are a lot of examples from where we got a lot of ideas, and we are standing tall now. Struggle is just like that, it helps us to gain experience. We must lose in order to gain sometimes, some lessons are learnt best through the pain. 

If "Plan A" did not work, there are 25 more alphabets, that means stay positive and embrace your struggle as it makes you stronger and renew us. Without struggle there is no progress therefore, every struggle teaches you a new lesson, learn it as it will make you the best. Life is beautiful with struggle, the more we struggle the more human we become.