
Student Corner


Written by: Samyam Shrestha - 2022012, Grade XI

Posted on: 17 June, 2021

At the end of the line, No one will be there for you. You will be alone. None of them will even look at you. Despair is major and Death is common. What can a person do in those times?  Beg to live ? Wait for a bright light to shine on you? Or wait for their death to be at ease.  Dark part comes frequently but can overwin it. What can a person do there? Everyone is helpless. Can a person survive? Battle for years, war for weeks, bodies on the ground for days. The scenery here somewhat does not belong to this world. Journey starts with our knowledge but ends without any information. People live every second under these things. Hoping to be saved. There are no heroes in this world that could protect like you think in your fantasies. Fantasies give hope but when many things happen, it just brings despair at a rapid pace. Fighting and fighting every second in your life to live. Surrender was never an option. Rest was never a thing. Win was just a lie. Even after you win a war, what you will get, “A badge” that will be forgotten within a day. Our name in the history books? That will make people hate us more.  What happens to the people who lost the war but had somehow survived the war. “TRAITOR” a word that could change all views toward a person. Even though they should be treated with honour and respect. “NO !”, they are treated like garbage. They should be happy that there are survivors even though the war was a fail. Some will die, because they could bear the pain and society rejecting them. Some were killed, because they survived the war. Those people don’t even have rights to comment on the soldiers. Those people should not even be treated as a human in society because they are not even fit for the title of garbage.  Those people have no other choice but to adapt and keep their family running. Their nightmare of seeing and standing over 1000s of dead bodies of their own ally is painful. It even hurts to breathe. Every second could be painful. Hands filled with blood, the scent of blood. Peace lovers don’t have a place in this world. They are suppressed or wiped out. No-one can stand against the government. Using people like tools for war. A single people ruling an entire country staying behind the scenes of the war, what a trash! Why do we even care to save those people who just know nothing and command the soldier in his own wish. No-one tends to raise a voice. Can’t we just live in peace, can’t we negotiate, why do you need power if you have an ally. Will the people even change their theory of survival? I thought I was someone who could do better for this world. Everything is blurring out. Same like this world. Even if you die, nothing will happen, no-one will cry for you. No-one will feel sad for you. You will become the hero that no-one will remember.