
Student Corner

The Advantage of Disadvantages.

Written by: Ashutosh Pudasaini - 22002, Grade XI

Posted on: 10 June, 2021

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.”, This quote from Oscar Wilde, A well-renowned poet and playwright perfectly summarize the depth of the topic. We often look at other people with jealousy when we see they harbor traits that may seem like an advantage, may it be a well-built body, tall height, or intellectual capabilities, we feel that we are disadvantaged, and often pity our own fate. This happens to everyone, me and you. Everyone feels guilty about such activity. However is it really so? Our Advantages and Disadvantages real? What may seem like an advantage to one could very possibly be a disadvantage to the other, similarly what may seem like a tragic event or disadvantage could quite possibly be a blessing in disguise. To further explain my points I will tell a story,

Once upon a time in a Chinese village, there lived an honest and hardworking farmer, the farmer was not wealthy, he used to harvest crops in his field, sold any extra, and made little income. The Farmer had a young son, who was around 18 years old. One Day one of his horses escaped from the stable and ran to the jungle, after the sad event all the villagers gathered together around his home and said to him, “That’s too bad” and the farmer replied “Maybe”, the next morning, the escaped horse returned with two beautiful wild horses, once again All the villagers gathered around his house and said to him “That’s Wonderful”, In a silent voice he whispered “Maybe”. The same evening his son was trying to tame one of the wild horses, The Son fell off the horse and broke his leg. The Villagers gathered around his house once more and said, “Oh, That's too bad ”, with a smirk on his face the farmer replied “Maybe”. The following day, an Army general stopped by the village and started to take the youths of the village to join the army, Since his son was physically impaired(disadvantaged) they did not take him, Once again the villagers gathered around his house and said to him “That's Wonderful”, he as always with calm demeanor replied “Maybe”. From the story, we conclude that there are no good events or bad events, but only events rather Good and Bad depending on the viewer who is observing the event. What may feel like a painful, sad, and depressing event could be a blessing in disguise. 

The same can be said about Advantages and Disadvantages. Advantages and Disadvantages have a  subjective meaning, whether a condition is an advantage or a disadvantage solely depends on the individual or the observer's context or perspective.