
Student Corner


Written by: Arya Khatri - 22027, Grade XI

Posted on: 09 June, 2021

What are feelings? Why do we have feelings? What happens during an emotion? How do you figure out which emotion you are feeling? Have you ever felt happy, sad, angry, or afraid? How about being jealous, ashamed, or embarrassed? Almost everybody might have these different questions in their mind from time to time, and they can have a big effect on the way people think and act. Though these ideas seem to be petty ones that toddlers ask but deep down we can’t answer these questions easily, for that we need to ponder and have some perspectives. Feelings form out to have a complex world as human beings' experiences enhance.
What are feelings?
The concept of feeling is related to emotion. In psychology, feelings are the events that the body perceives and are closely related to emotions. The action is perceived through the senses which stimulate it, which are not referred to as special organs. Feelings are important to understand human behavior, overall human beings. 
Why do we have feelings?
 Scientists discovered that people tend to have different emotions when they experience situations that have different thoughts. For instance, some people may feel sad and angry when they think about a certain situation, while others may feel happy and excited.
What happens during an emotion?
When emotions are triggered, various parts of the brain then automatically change. These changes can happen even without conscious awareness. Some of these muscles can also become sensitive to emotional signals. For instance, if you’re happy, your voice might become more excited.
How do you figure out which emotion you are feeling?
After having an emotional reaction, we often want to understand what we were feeling. Understanding these feelings can help us improve our behavior. When you notice that something is wrong with you, it still takes a bit of time to figure out which emotion you are feeling. For instance, if you are feeling afraid, then it might be because you believe that a lion could hurt you. Knowing what you are feeling can help you to manage your emotions and solve problems. It can also help you to learn how to handle similar situations in the future.
Understanding emotions can help you understand others. For example if you have seen people get angry and sad in a situation, you probably think that they are reacting in a different way than you are. The reason they are reacting in a different way is that they have had different life experiences. To understand human beings and their emotions we need to understand their feelings. That will be the only way which can help us to dig into the idea about feelings as this idea is complicated as feelings grow in the course of time from simple to complex.