
Student Corner

Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle

Written by: Safal Gautam - 22016, Grade XI

Posted on: 08 June, 2021

Bermuda Triangle, a very mysterious as well as intriguing place in the world. We all may have heard about the Bermuda Triangle, if not what are you doing with the internet? The question arises here. Most of us will at least have once seen a youtube recommendation with the classic clickbait like, ‘The Mystery of Bermuda Triangle Solved!’, ‘A Megalodon was found in the Bermuda Triangle’.

Well, as far as scientific field research goes, you may actually find one Megalodon in that area. The ocean has long since remained a wonder for many people in the world. Covering 2/3rd of the entire earth, most of the oceanic areas are yet to be discovered and researched upon, which includes the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. Here Wikipedia says, “The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Most reputable sources dismiss the idea that there is any mystery.”

Well, like what is mentioned above many things about the disappearance of ships and aircraft have long been brought to light, yet there are many mysteries yet unsolved. Bermuda Island, Puerto Rico and Florida, form a triangular shape when connected forming the so-called Devil's Triangle.

Now, why is the Bermuda Triangle so famous? Well in simple words it’s because of the mysterious disappearance of aircrafts and ships in that area. The first report being the famous Flight 19, which happened to disappear on December 5, 1945. The aircrafts were the trainees of the US Fighter Planes who were supposedly on their first test flight with a group of instructors. The ARMY heavily doubted that this may not be a crash as the instructors were veterans and if there were chances of crash, a distress signal would have been sent back.

Even the rescue team disappeared as they ventured through the triangle. This may not be the first disappearance but this is the first incident that made people skeptical about the Bermuda Triangle causing heavy debates and discussions of     its mysteries. Till now only some remains of the disappeared crafts have been recovered but even so they still have not been identified properly as the ‘Craft that Disappeared’.Well it's not like there is no survivor. A former American Pilot and now researcher and theorist, Bruce Gernon experienced a very mysterious phenomenon in the sky of the outer parts of the bermuda triangle. He even published a book about it.

He said that he was flying the Beech Bonanza over the Sea in the Bermuda Triangle from an island in the Bahamas to the city of Florida with his two passengers, his father and business partner. He had mentioned that he had flown countless times in the same route but on December 4th, 1970. This flight usually takes about an hour and half. The thing happened mysteriously when he gained altitude, a black cloud suddenly appeared in front of him out of nowhere. But he easily left it behind. Next moment, another huge black cloud appeared. Here, Bruce had no choice but to go in the clouds. Only after entering did he know that this was the same cloud as before.

Nothing could be seen inside the cloud. The radio was jammed and the three panicked. The next moment flashes of blue light came into their view and disappeared simultaneously. This was, as described by Bruce, not thunder and lightning at all. 15-30 minutes had passed since they entered the clouds yet they could not see the exit. In the final moment, Bruce was able to see light in front of him, different from the blue lights. Not going deep into it, he escaped the cloud. Now here is the mysterious phenomenon. As soon as he contacted the Florida Airport to ask their location, he received news saying he had already arrived in the Florida sky.

Now, here's the shocking thing. A flight that should usually take 1 hour 30 minute took less than 47 minutes to complete. Even the fuel tank was not used up much. It was like an instant teleportation from one point to another. It may sound ridiculous but after getting solid evidence and reports from the witnesses, the scientists fell into thinking.The best answer they could come up with was, dark energy. They thought that Bruce and his Passengers had entered a cloud made of Dark Energy which transported them from one point to another. Sounds ridiculous but this was the only answer which sounded feasible.

Till the date the Bermuda Triangle remains a mystery to the world. Countless authors, writers, theorists and researchers have used the Bermuda Triangle to come up with various stories and myths that have amused the general public.If you want to know more about Bruce Gernon's story or about the Bermuda Triangle you can go and search on YouTube to hear his full story as well as the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle.

Reference: YouTube, Wikipedia