
Student Corner

Darkness is to get Light

Written by: Aditya Majhi - 22004, Grade XI

Posted on: 06 June, 2021

Everything is dark. We know dark is the absence of light and bright is the reflection of much light. The idea that has been engraved in most people is that “dark is the scariest thing and bright is the shining”. 
People love to have Light and ignore the Dark. Most of the time they forget that, “Center is Center out of Periphery”. Light is there because of the presence of Darkness. Darkness is not the scariest thing; rather it is a place where we can calm down, relax, and think deep down on any subject matter. 

Metaphorically, Dark is to get bright/light means to get something we can have to go through something scary (dark). Even to shine, we need a dark place because in a bright place nothing will shine. Feeling dark I think it is the place where we can think creative ideas more than in a bright place because when we are already in the presence of bright we don’t bother about thinking of brightness or light. This will in fact suppress our creativity as we can’t see the Brightness within Brightness so giving up will be our ultimate choice.

Speaking about creativity and innovation, we are more creative in the dark because in the dark we think about being in bright, dark is relaxing and calm. Darkness is fun. Taking an example of our own context, we are more creative in the dark because at day we wake up, go to work or school or the kitchen and get on with our daily routine so we can't think in an advanced way because our mind only thinks about what we do in that time. But in darkness, we are stress free where our brain works in different ways, more focused on achieving the goal we have set.  Another thing is that the brain can change size when we are under stress. 

Everything is dark, and when we close our eyes it is dark to fill that dark we start imagining things. And in the dark, there is the release of more positive things I think than in light.