
Student Corner


Written by: Arya Tharu - 2022006, Grade XI

Posted on: 31 May, 2021

What is patience? Is it important or just people are pretending this is of high importance? These questions might arise. To elaborate in simple terms, Patience is an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. In simple terms, patience is to wait without any anger and be furious rather than wait calmly without complaining. We can take the example of a farmer who harvests their crops, works hard in the rainy season, and waits until it grows, and gives grains, fruits out of it. 

Patience is applicable in almost every task that we accomplish in all our daily lives, starting from education, jobs, study, business, research, sports, and many more. The saying “Be calm, good things take time” can be the best quote to describe patience.

Patience is important in all our lives because it helps to achieve all our goals and plays a vital role in achieving success. A person who lacks patience leads to many problems like mental health problems and having a bad relationship with everyone.

How can we cultivate patience in us? The simple answer to this is to grow a plant and water it daily or solve puzzles. Also, fishing can be beneficial to cultivate the habit of patience.

Nobody in this world has been successful without patience. Therefore, patience is the foremost thing for having and satisfying one's own life.