
Student Corner

Corona Chaos and Upcoming Elections

Written by: Rakshit Dahal - 2022024, Grade XI

Posted on: 30 May, 2021

Nepal now records heating chaotic eight thousand cases per day. Having eight thousand cases per day is probably not a good sign to the health system that can only hardly hold two thousand patients. While Nepal is trying to cope with the virus with the help of different international bodies, private bodies, contrary the political instability has yet stabbed us very hard. 

Nepal is now not only facing the pandemic and its devastating consequences but also the political instability happening right now. The government now focuses on electing a new prime minister and plans on conducting an election that will cost a heavy amount of money. Rather than focusing more on saving the lives of the citizens, the Government is more concerned with “ Power” politics. Its main goal has now been guided towards the election, just “Game of Thrones”. The GoN seems more focused on such irrelevant issues than saving the public who are facing a humongous amount of problems and are struggling to stay alive. In such hard times, the only one who can take care of us is we ourselves, we need to follow all the precautionary measures and avoid crowds as much as possible. It's not an easy task to stay inside four walls for weeks and weeks but the environment outside is not good enough to be. The place is currently volatile so the only way out is to be safe on our own. It's like “No matter whether we live or die” for the government. The only thing that will get us through this is by being grateful for still having food on the table amidst the pandemic and following all the health protocols.